Published on 2025-02-19
This blog is statically generated from Markdown files. It used to be fast, but nowadays it's not:
$ hyperfine --warmup 2 ./master.bin
Benchmark 1: ./master.bin
Time (mean ± σ): 1.873 s ± 0.053 s [User: 1.351 s, System: 0.486 s]
Range (min … max): 1.806 s … 1.983 s 10 runs
~ 2 seconds is not the end of the world, but it's just enough to be annoying when doing lots of edit-view cycles. Worse, it seemed to become slower and slower as I wrote more articles. So today I finally dedicated some time to tackle this problem.
In the early days of this blog, there were only a few articles, and the build process was a simple Makefile, something like this (simplified):
%.html: header.html footer.html
cat header.html >> $@
pandoc --toc $< >> $@
cat footer.html >> $@
For each markdown file, say
, we transform the markdown into HTML (at the time with pandoc
, which proved to be super slow, now with cmark
which is extremely fast) and save that in the file wayland_from_scratch.html
, with a HTML header prepended and footer appended.
Later on, I added the publication date:
%.html: header.html footer.html
cat header.html >> $@
printf '<p id="publication_date">Published on %s.</p>\n' $$(git log --format='%as' --reverse -- $< | head -n1) >> $@; fi
pandoc --toc $< >> $@
cat footer.html >> $@
The publication date is the creation date, that is: the date of the first Git commit for this file. So we ask Git for the list of commits for this file (they are provided by default from newest to oldest, so we --reverse
the list), take the first one with head
, done. It's simple.
Note: My initial approach was to get the creation and modification date from the file system, but it's incorrect, as soon as you work on more than one machine. The way Git works is that when you pull commits that created a file, it creates the file on the file system and does not try to hack the creation date. Thus the file creation date is the time of the Git pull, not the date of the commit that first created it.
As I added more and more features to this blog, like a list of article by tags, a home page that automatically lists all of the articles, a RSS feed, the 'last modified' date for an article, etc, I outgrew the Makefile approach and wrote a small program (initially in Zig, then in Odin) to do all that. But the core approach remained:
ls *.md
, the Makefile did that for us with
)git log
to get the date of the first and last commits for this file (respectively 'created at' and 'modified at')article.html
For long time, it was all good. It was single-threaded, but plenty fast. So I wrote more and more articles. But now it's too slow. Why? Let's profile it:
Yeah...I think it might be [git] [git] [git] [git] [git] [git] [git] [git]...
Another way to confirm this is with strace
$ strace --summary-only ./src.bin
% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
94.85 0.479290 3928 122 waitid
So ~ 95 % of the running time is spent waiting on a subprocess. It's mainly git - we also run cmark
as a subprocess but it's really really fast. We could further investigate with strace
which process we are waiting on but the CPU profile already points the finger at Git and cmark
is not even visible on it.
At this point it's important to mention that this program is a very simplistic static site generator: it is stateless and processes every markdown file in the repository one by one. You could say that it's a regression compared to the Makefile because make
has built-in parallelism with -j
and change detection. But in reality, change detection in make is primitive and I often want to reprocess everything because of a change that applies to every file. For example, I reword the Donate
section at the end of each article (wink wink), or the header, or the footer, etc.
Also, I really am fond of this 'pure function' approach. There is no caching issue to debug, no complicated code to write, no data races, no async callbacks, etc.
My performance target was to process every file within 1s, or possibly even 0.5s.
I could see a few options:
git log
. We can use a thread pool, or an asynchronous approach to spawn all the git processes at once, and wait for all of them to finish. But it's more complex.git log
faster somehow.The last option was my preferred one because it did not force me to re-architect the whole program.
Note that the other two options are sill on the table regardless of whether our experiment works out or not.
My intuition was to do a deep dive in the git log
options, to see if I could instruct it to do less work. But then something struck me: we invoke git log
to get all commits for one markdown file (even though we only are interested in the first and last, but that's the only interface Git provides us as far as I know). What if we invoked it once for all markdown files? Yes, the output might be a bit big... How big? Is it really faster? Let's measure!
Conceptually we can simply do git log '*.md'
and parse the output. We can refine that approach later with more options, but that's the gist of it:
$ time git log '*.md' | wc -c
Executed in 73.69 millis fish external
usr time 61.04 millis 738.00 micros 60.30 millis
sys time 15.95 millis 191.00 micros 15.76 millis
So it's much faster than doing it per file, and also it's entire output is ~ 186 KiB. And these numbers should grow very slowly because each new commit only adds 20-100 bytes to the output.
Looks like we got our solution. There is one added benefit: we do not need to list all .md
files in the directory at startup. Git gives us this information (in my case there are no markdown files not tracked by Git).
Mike Acton and Data Oriented Design are right once again:
Rule of thumb: When there is one, there is many. 1
Or: try to think in terms of arrays, not in terms of one isolated object at a time.
We only want git to tell us, for each commit:
Hence we pass to git log
to get the date in ISO format--name-status
to know which files this commit added (A
), modified (M
), deleted (D
), or renamed (R
to skip merge commits since they do not directly affect any file--diff-filter=AMRD
to only get commits that add/modify/delete/rename files. We are not interested in commits changing the permissions on a file, or modifying symbolic links, etc.With these options we get even better numbers:
$ time git log --format='%aI' --name-status --no-merges --diff-filter=AMDR -- '*.md' | wc -c
Executed in 108.38 millis fish external
usr time 83.70 millis 231.00 micros 83.47 millis
sys time 27.99 millis 786.00 micros 27.20 millis
The output looks like this (I annotated each part along with the commit number):
2024-11-05T15:43:44+01:00 | [1] A commit starts with the date.
| [1] Empty line
M | [1] A list of files affected by this commit.
M | [1] Each starts with a letter describing the action.
M | [1] Here it's all modifications.
M | [1]
2025-02-02T22:54:23+01:00 | [2] The second entry starts.
| [2]
R100 | [2] Rename with the (unneeded) confidence score.
[...] | Etc.
Parsing this commit log is tedious but not extremely difficult.
We maintain a map while inspecting each commit: map<Path, (creation_date, modification_date, tombstone)>
In case of a rename or delete, we set the tombstone
to true
. Why not remove the entry from the map directly? Well, we are inspecting the list of commits from newest to oldest.
So first we'll encounter the delete/rename commit for this file, and then later in the stream, a number of add/modify commits. When we are done, we need to remember that this markdown file should be ignored, otherwise, we'll try to open it, read it, and convert it to HTML, but we'll get a ENOENT
error because it does not exist anymore on disk. We could avoid having this tombstone field and just bail on ENOENT
, that's a matter of taste I guess, but this field was useful to me to ensure that the parsing code is correct.
Alternatively, we could pass --reverse
to git log
and parse the commits in chronological order. When we see a delete/rename commit for a file, we can safely remove the entry from the map since no more commits about this file should show up after that.
GitStat :: struct {
creation_date: string,
modification_date: string,
path_rel: string,
get_articles_creation_and_modification_date :: proc() -> ([]GitStat, os2.Error) {
defer free_all(context.temp_allocator)
state, stdout_bin, stderr_bin, err := os2.process_exec(
command = []string {
// Print the date in ISO format.
// Ignore merge commits since they do not carry useful information.
// Only interested in creation, modification, renaming, deletion.
// Show which modification took place:
// A: added, M: modified, RXXX: renamed (with percentage score), etc.
if err != nil {
fmt.eprintf("git failed: %d %v %s", state, err, string(stderr_bin))
panic("git failed")
stdout := strings.trim_space(string(stdout_bin))
assert(stdout != "")
GitStatInternal :: struct {
creation_date: string,
modification_date: string,
tombstone: bool,
stats_by_path := make(map[string]GitStatInternal, allocator = context.temp_allocator)
// Sample git output:
// 2024-10-31T16:09:02+01:00
// M
// A
// 2025-02-18T08:07:55+01:00
// R100
// For each commit.
for {
// Date
date: string
line := strings.split_lines_iterator(&stdout) or_break
assert(strings.starts_with(line, "'20"))
line_without_quotes := line[1:len(line) - 1]
date = strings.clone(strings.trim(line_without_quotes, "' \n"))
// Empty line
// Peek.
line, ok := strings.split_lines_iterator(&stdout)
assert(line == "")
// Files.
for {
// Start of a new commit?
if strings.starts_with(stdout, "'20") do break
line := strings.split_lines_iterator(&stdout) or_break
assert(line != "")
action := line[0]
assert(action == 'A' || action == 'M' || action == 'R' || action == 'D')
old_path: string
new_path: string
// Skip the 'action' part.
_, ok := strings.split_iterator(&line, "\t")
old_path, ok = strings.split_iterator(&line, "\t")
assert(old_path != "")
if action == 'R' { // Rename has two operands.
new_path, ok = strings.split_iterator(&line, "\t")
assert(new_path != "")
} else { // The others have only one.
new_path = old_path
_, v, inserted, err := map_entry(&stats_by_path, new_path)
assert(err == nil)
if inserted {
v.modification_date = date
v.creation_date = date
} else {
assert(v.modification_date != "")
// Keep updating the creation date, when we reach the end of the commit log, it has the right value.
v.creation_date = date
// We handle the action separately from the fact that this is the first commit we see for the path.
// Because a file could have only one commit which is a rename.
// Or its first commit is a rename but then there additional commits to modify it.
// Case being: these two things are orthogonal.
if action == 'R' {
// Mark the old path as 'deleted'.
stats_by_path[old_path] = GitStatInternal {
modification_date = date,
tombstone = true,
// The creation date of the new path is the date of the rename operation.
v.creation_date = date
if action == 'D' {
// Mark as 'deleted'.
v.tombstone = true
git_stats := make([dynamic]GitStat)
for k, v in stats_by_path {
assert(k != "")
assert(v.creation_date != "")
assert(v.modification_date != "")
assert(v.creation_date <= v.modification_date)
if !v.tombstone {
git_stat := GitStat {
path_rel = strings.clone(k),
creation_date = strings.clone(v.creation_date),
modification_date = strings.clone(v.modification_date),
fmt.printf("%v\n", git_stat)
append(&git_stats, git_stat)
return git_stats[:], nil
A few things of interest:
is a bit of an overkill for ~30 entries, but it's fine, and we expect the number of articles to growWe can log the final result:
GitStat{creation_date = "2020-09-07T20:49:20+02:00", modification_date = "2024-11-04T09:24:17+01:00", path_rel = ""}
GitStat{creation_date = "2024-09-10T12:59:04+02:00", modification_date = "2024-09-12T12:14:42+02:00", path_rel = ""}
GitStat{creation_date = "2023-11-23T11:26:11+01:00", modification_date = "2025-02-06T20:55:27+01:00", path_rel = ""}
Alright, so how does our new implementation fare compared to the old one?
First, we can confirm with strace
that the time spent on waiting for subprocesses (mainly Git) shrinked:
$ strace --summary-only ./src.bin
% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
56.59 0.043176 674 64 waitid
Then we benchmark:
$ hyperfine --warmup 2 './src-main.bin' './src.bin'
Benchmark 1: ./src-main.bin
Time (mean ± σ): 1.773 s ± 0.022 s [User: 1.267 s, System: 0.472 s]
Range (min … max): 1.748 s … 1.816 s 10 runs
Benchmark 2: ./src.bin
Time (mean ± σ): 158.7 ms ± 6.6 ms [User: 128.4 ms, System: 133.7 ms]
Range (min … max): 151.7 ms … 175.6 ms 18 runs
./src.bin ran
11.17 ± 0.48 times faster than ./src-main.bin
Around 11 times faster, and well within our ideal target of 500 ms ! And all we had to do was convert many git log
invocations (one per markdown file) to just one.
Here's the CPU profile now:
Overall it's a pretty simple change, located in one function. Almost all of the complexity is due to parsing Git custom text output and skipping over irrelevant commits. We don't really have a choice either: that's all Git provides to query the commit log. The alternatives are all worse:
) and hope that it offers a saner interface to query the commit logI wonder if there is a better way...
fossil is an alternative version control system created by the same folks that created, and are still working on, SQLite. Naturally, a fossil repository is basically just one SQLite database file. That sounds very queryable!
Let's import our git repository into a Fossil repository and enter the SQLite prompt:
$ git fast-export --all | fossil import --git new-repo.fossil
$ file new-repo.fossil
new-repo.fossil: SQLite 3.x database (Fossil repository), [...]
$ fossil sql -R new-repo.fossil
There are lots of tables in this database. We craft this query after a few trials and errors (don't know if it is optimal or not):
sqlite> .mode json
sqlite> SELECT as filename,
datetime(min(e.mtime)) as creation_date,
datetime(max(e.mtime)) as last_modified
FROM repository.filename f
JOIN repository.mlink m ON f.fnid = m.fnid
JOIN repository.event e ON m.mid = e.objid
WHERE filename LIKE ''
Which outputs what we want:
{"filename":"","creation_date":"2023-12-19 13:27:40","last_modified":"2024-11-05 15:11:55"},
{"filename":"","creation_date":"2024-03-07 09:48:39","last_modified":"2024-03-07 10:14:09"},
{"filename":"","creation_date":"2020-09-07 18:49:20","last_modified":"2024-11-04 08:24:17"},
Note that this does not filter out deleted/removed files yet. I'm sure that it can be done by tweaking the query a bit, but there's not time! We need to benchmark!
$ hyperfine --shell=none 'fossil sql -R new-repo.fossil "SELECT [...]"'
Benchmark 1: fossil sql -R new-repo.fossil "[...]"
Time (mean ± σ): 3.0 ms ± 0.5 ms [User: 1.5 ms, System: 1.4 ms]
Range (min … max): 2.2 ms … 5.6 ms 776 runs
Damn that's fast.
I do not use Fossil, but I eye it from time to time - generally when I need to extract some piece of information from Git and I discover it does not let me, or when I see the Gitlab bill my (ex-) company pays, or when the Jira page takes more than 10 seconds to load... yeah, Fossil is the complete package, with issues, forums, a web UI, a timeline, a wiki, a chat... it has it all!
But the golden ticket idea is really to store everything inside SQLite. Suddenly, we can query anything! And there is no weird parsing needed - SQLite supports various export formats and (some? all?) fossil commands support the --sql
option to show you which SQL query they use to get the information. After all, the only thing the fossil
command line does in this case, is craft a SQL query and run int on the SQLite database.
It's quite magical to me that I can within a few seconds import my 6 years-long git repository into a SQLite database and start querying it, and the performance is great.
Now I am not quite ready yet to move to Fossil, and the import is a one time thing as far as I know, so it is not a viable option for the problem at hand as long as git is the source of truth. But still, while I was trying to tackle git log
into submission, I was thinking the whole time: why can't I do an arbitrary query of git data? Generally, the more generic approach is slower than the ad-hoc one, but here it's not even the case. Fossil is for this use case objectively more powerful, more generic, and faster.
The issue was effectively a N+1 query problem. We issued a separate 'query' (in this case, git log
) for each markdown file, in a sequential blocking fashion. This approach worked until it didn't because the number of entities (i.e. articles, and commits) grew over time.
The solution is instead to do only one query for all entities. It may return a bit more data that we need, but that's much faster, and scales better, than the original version.
It's obvious in retrospect but it's easy to let it happen when the 'codebase' (a big word for only one file that started as a basic Makefile) is a few years old, it's only looked at briefly from time to time, and the initial implementation did not really allow for the correct approach - who wants to parse the git log
output in the Makefile language?
Furthermore, the initial approach was fine because it only looked at the creation date, so we could do git log --reverse | head -n1
which is faster than sifting through the whole commit log for this file. However, as it is always the case, requirements (again, a big word for: my taste concerning what should my personal blog look like) change and the modification date now had to also be extracted from git. This forced us, with the current Git functionality, to scan through the whole commit log, for each file, which became too slow.
As Mike Acton and Data Oriented Design state:
Different problems require different solutions.2
If you have different data, you have a different problem. 3
It also does not help that any querying in Git is ad-hoc and outputs a weird text format that we have to tediously parse. Please everyone, let's add the option to output structured data in our command line programs, damn it! String programming is no fun at all - that's why I moved away from concatenating the output of shell commands in a Makefile, to a real programming language, to do the static generation.
All in all, I am pleased with my solution - I can now see any edit materialize instantly. It's a bit funny that my previous article was about SIMD and inspecting assembly instructions, while this issue is so obvious and high-level in retrospect.
To the next 5 years of blogging, till I need to revisit the performance of this function!
Running git gc
and git prune
also helps because all unreachable objects are removed, so git has to do less work scanning and parsing them on disk.
Having done that, we get almost twice as fast:
$ hyperfine --shell=none --warmup 2 './src.bin'
Benchmark 1: ./src.bin
Time (mean ± σ): 89.7 ms ± 2.6 ms [User: 63.6 ms, System: 59.5 ms]
Range (min … max): 85.0 ms … 94.3 ms 31 runs
But we have to remember to run it frequently or set up a periodic job that does it for us.
That's a ~21x speed-up from the original time.
Since spawning the cmark
process, having cmark
parsing the command line options, over and over, is still taking a good chunk of the time, we can switch to using libcmark
directly. This is something I wanted to do anyway to extract a table of content, etc from the markdown. Since the running time is getting lower and lower, we add --shell=none
and increase the warm-up to reduce statistical outliers:
$ hyperfine --shell=none --warmup 10 ./src.bin
Benchmark 1: ./src.bin
Time (mean ± σ): 55.4 ms ± 1.5 ms [User: 49.0 ms, System: 35.0 ms]
Range (min … max): 53.1 ms … 61.0 ms 55 runs
In fine: a x33 speed-up from the original time.
If you enjoy what you're reading, you want to support me, and can afford it: Support me. That allows me to write more cool articles!
This blog is open-source! If you find a problem, please open a Github issue. The content of this blog as well as the code snippets are under the BSD-3 License which I also usually use for all my personal projects. It's basically free for every use but you have to mention me as the original author.