Published on 2025-02-02
Discussions: /r/programming, HN
Most serious programs will need to trigger some action at a delayed point in time, often repeatedly: set timeouts, clean up temporary files or entries in the database, send keep-alives, garbage-collect unused entities, etc. All while doing some work in the meantime. A blocking sleep
won't cut it! For example, JavaScript has setTimeout
. But how does it work under the hood? How does each OS handle that?
Lately, I have found myself in need of doing just that, repeatedly sending a keep-alive over the network to many remote peers, in C. My program has an event loop, a la NodeJS or Redis. It is doing lots of file I/O, network I/O, and handling timers, all in a single thread, in a non-blocking way.
And I wanted to do all that in a cross-platform way. And to my surprise, I could not find a (sane) libc function or syscall to create a timer, and that is the same on all Unices!
Each Unix variant had its own weird way to do it, as I discovered. I am used to Windows being the odd kid in its corner doing its thing, but usually, Unices (thanks to POSIX) agree on a simple API to do something. There's the elephant in the room, of course, with epoll/kqueue/event ports...Which is such a pain that numerous libraries have sprung up to paper over the differences and offer The One API To Rule Them All: libuv, libev, libevent, etc. So, are timers the same painful ordeal?
Well, let's take a tour of all the OS APIs to handle them.
This will be brief because I do not develop on Windows. The official documentation mentions the SetTimer function from Win32 and you pass it a timeout and a callback. Alternatively, since Windows applications come with a built-in event queue, an event of type WM_TIMER
gets emitted and can be consumed from the queue. Simple, and it composes with other OS events, I like it.
Readers with experience with SetTimer
have pointed out that SetTimer
has flaws:
is low-priority so any other events, say mouse events, will take precedence.Worry not, there are alternatives (and again, I mention them in passing as someone who does not develop on Windows):
POSIX has one API for timers, and it sucks. A timer is created with timer_create
, which does initially nothing, and the timer is started with a timeout using timer_settime
. When the timeout is reached, a signal is sent to the program. And that's the issue. Signals are very problematic, as seen in my previous article:
, select/pselect
, etc.timer_settime
) explicitly prevent child processes from inheriting their signals. I guess we'll have to read the fine prints in the man page!I'll just quote here the Linux man page for timer_create:
/* Note: calling printf() from a signal handler is not safe
(and should not be done in production programs), since
printf() is not async-signal-safe; see signal-safety(7).
Nevertheless, we use printf() here [...]. */
Enough said.
And this is really tricky to get right. For example, malloc
is not async-signal-safe. By the way, you have to go out of your way to find this out, because the man page (at least on my system) does not mention anything about signals or async safety.
Well, you think, let's just remember to not use malloc
in signal handlers! Done! Feeling confident, we happen to call qsort
in our signal handler. Should be fine, right? We just sort some data in-place... Well, we just introduced a security vulnerability!
That's because in glibc, the innocent looking qsort
calls malloc
under the hood! (And that was, in the past, the cause of qsort
segfaulting, which I find hilarious):
to our great surprise, we discovered that the glibc's qsort() is not, in fact, a quick sort by default, but a merge sort (in stdlib/msort.c). [...] But merge sort suffers from one major drawback: it does not sort in-place -- it malloc()ates a copy of the array of elements to be sorted.
So...let's accept that writing signal handlers correctly is not feasible for us mere mortals. Many people have concluded the same in the past and have created better OS APIs that do not involve signals at all. Let's look into that.
So, we all heard the saying: In Unix, everything is a file. So, what if a timer was also a file (descriptor)? And we could ask the OS to notify our program whenever there is data to read (i.e.: when our timer triggers), like with a file or a socket?
That's the whole idea behind timerfd_create
and timerfd_settime
. We create a timer, we get a file descriptor back.
In the previous article, we saw that Linux added similar APIs for signals with signalfd
and processes with pidfd_open
, so there is a consistent effort to indeed make everything a file.
That means that using the venerable poll(2)
, we can wait on an array of very diverse things: sockets, files, signals, timers, processes, pipes, etc. This is great! That's simple (one API for all OS entities) and composable (handling an additional OS entity does not force our program to undergo big changes, and we can wait on diverse OS entities using the same API).
Let's see it in action by creating 10 timers and waiting for them to trigger:
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int queue = epoll_create(1 /* Ignored */);
assert(-1 != queue);
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
res = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK);
assert(-1 != res);
int fd = res;
struct itimerspec ts = {.it_value.tv_nsec = i * 50 * 1000 * 1000};
res = timerfd_settime(fd, 0, &ts, NULL);
assert(-1 != res);
struct epoll_event ev = {
.events = EPOLLIN,
.data.fd = fd,
res = epoll_ctl(queue, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev);
assert(-1 != res);
int timeout_ms = 1000;
struct epoll_event events[10] = {0};
int events_len = 10;
for (;;) {
res = epoll_wait(queue, events, events_len, timeout_ms);
assert(-1 != res);
if (0 == res) { // The end.
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++) {
struct epoll_event event = events[i];
if ( & EPOLLIN) {
struct timespec now = {0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
printf("[%ld.%03ld] timer %d triggered\n", now.tv_sec,
now.tv_nsec / 1000 / 1000,;
And it prints:
[1738530944.233] timer 5 triggered
[1738530944.283] timer 6 triggered
[1738530944.333] timer 7 triggered
[1738530944.383] timer 8 triggered
[1738530944.433] timer 9 triggered
[1738530944.483] timer 10 triggered
[1738530944.533] timer 11 triggered
[1738530944.583] timer 12 triggered
[1738530944.633] timer 13 triggered
The only gotcha, which is mentioned by the man page, is that we need to remember to read(2)
from the timer whenever it triggers. That only matters for repeating timers (also sometimes called interval timers).
There's even an additional benefit with this API: thanks to ProcFS
, timers appear on the file system under /proc/<pid>/fd/
, so troubleshooting is a bit easier.
However, it's unfortunate that this is a Linux-only API...or is it really?
The timerfd facility was originally ported to FreeBSD's Linux compatibility layer [...] in FreeBSD 12.0. It was revised and adapted to be native [...] in FreeBSD 14.0.
The timerfd interface first appeared in NetBSD 10. It is compatible with the timerfd interface that appeared in Linux 2.6.25.
So, pretty good, but not ubiquitous. The search continues.
might be my favorite OS API: it can watch any OS entity for changes with just one call. Even timers! As it is often the case for BSD-borne APIs, they are well designed and well documented. The man page says:
EVFILT_TIMER Establishes an arbitrary timer identified by ident.
That's great, we do not even have to use various APIs to create the timer, set the time, read from the timer, etc. We do not even have to destroy the timer ourselves, thanks to the EV_ONESHOT
Let's see it in action:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/event.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
int main() {
int queue = kqueue();
assert(-1 != queue);
int res = 0;
struct kevent changelist[10] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
changelist[i] = (struct kevent){
.ident = i + 1,
.flags = EV_ADD | EV_ONESHOT,
.data = i * 50,
.filter = EVFILT_TIMER,
.fflags = NOTE_MSECONDS,
res = kevent(queue, changelist, 10, NULL, 0, 0);
assert(-1 != res);
struct kevent eventlist[10] = {0};
struct timespec timeout = {.tv_sec = 1};
for (;;) {
res = kevent(queue, NULL, 0, eventlist, 10, &timeout);
assert(-1 != res);
if (0 == res) { // The end.
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < res; i++) {
struct kevent event = eventlist[i];
if (event.filter & EVFILT_TIMER) {
struct timespec now = {0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
printf("[%ld.%03ld] timer %ld triggered\n", now.tv_sec,
now.tv_nsec / 1000 / 1000, event.ident);
And it prints:
[1738380963.984] timer 1 triggered
[1738380964.034] timer 2 triggered
[1738380964.084] timer 3 triggered
[1738380964.134] timer 4 triggered
[1738380964.184] timer 5 triggered
[1738380964.234] timer 6 triggered
[1738380964.284] timer 7 triggered
[1738380964.334] timer 8 triggered
[1738380964.384] timer 9 triggered
[1738380964.434] timer 10 triggered
What about the portability?
A past version of this section mentioned that this was not implemented on macOS. This used to be the case way back in the day, but an astute reader pointed out that Apple added this functionality at some point around macOS 10.9 (circa 2013). Great news, and thanks, nice reader!
So, Illumos (in)famously has its own API for multiplexing events from disjoint sources, that is different from kqueue
, and some Illumos developers have publicly stated they now wished they had adopted kqueue
back in the day.
Anyways, similarly to kqueue, their API (port_create
) also supports timers! From the man page:
PORT_SOURCE_TIMER events represent one or more timer expirations for a given timer. A timer is associated with a port by specifying SIGEV_PORT as its notification mechanism.
Interestingly, the timer is created using the POSIX API that normally triggers a signal upon timer expiration, but thanks to port_create
, the signal is instead turned into an event ports notification, as if it was a file descriptor. I think it's pretty clever, because that means that historical code creating timers need not be modified. In other words, it makes the POSIX API sane by circumventing signals and integrating it into a more modern facility to make it composable with other OS entities.
Apple developers, in their infinite wisdom, decided to support kqueue
but not kqueue timers, and invented their own thing instead.
It's called dispatch_source_create and it supports timers with DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER
I do not currently have access to an Apple computer so I have not tried it. All I know is that Grand Central Dispatch/libdispatch is an effort to have applications have an event queue and thread pool managed for them by the OS. It's more of a task system, actually. All of this seems to me somewhat redundant with kqueue
(which, on Apple platforms, came first!), but I am not an Apple engineer.
has technically been ported to many platforms but I suppose this is just like libkqueue
on Linux: it exposes the familiar API, but under the hood, it translates all calls to the OS-specific API, so for all intents and purposes, this syscall is macOS specific (well, and iOS, tvOS, IpadOS, etc, but let's group them all into a 'macOS' bucket).
is a fascinating Linux-only approach to essentially make every blocking system call... non-blocking. A syscall is enqueued into a ring buffer shared between userspace and the kernel, as a 'request', and at some point in time, a 'response' is enqueued by the kernel into a separate ring buffer that our program can read. It's simple, it's composable, it's great.
At the beginning I said that a blocking 'sleep' was not enough, because our program cannot do any work while sleeping. io_uring
renders this moot: we can (conceptually) enqueue a sleep, do some work, for example enqueue other syscalls, and whenever our sleep finishes, we can dequeue it from the second ring buffer, and voila: we just implemented a timer.
It's so simple it's brilliant! Sadly, it's Linux only, only for recent-ish kernels, and some cloud providers disable this facility.
Let's see it in action:
#include <assert.h>
#include <liburing.h>
#include <liburing/io_uring.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
struct io_uring ring = {0};
if (io_uring_queue_init(10, &ring, IORING_SETUP_SINGLE_ISSUER) < 0) {
return 1;
// Queue `sleep`.
struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = NULL;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ring);
struct __kernel_timespec ts = {.tv_nsec = i * 50 * 1000 * 1000};
io_uring_prep_timeout(sqe, &ts, 1, IORING_TIMEOUT_ETIME_SUCCESS);
sqe->user_data = i;
assert(1 == io_uring_submit(&ring));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
struct io_uring_cqe *cqe = NULL;
int ret = io_uring_wait_cqe(&ring, &cqe);
assert(0 == ret);
assert(-ETIME == cqe->res);
struct timespec now = {0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
printf("[%ld.%03ld] timer %lld triggered\n", now.tv_sec,
now.tv_nsec / 1000 / 1000, cqe->user_data);
io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqe);
And it outputs:
[1738532785.771] timer 1 triggered
[1738532785.821] timer 2 triggered
[1738532785.871] timer 3 triggered
[1738532785.921] timer 4 triggered
[1738532785.971] timer 5 triggered
[1738532786.021] timer 6 triggered
[1738532786.071] timer 7 triggered
[1738532786.121] timer 8 triggered
[1738532786.171] timer 9 triggered
[1738532786.221] timer 10 triggered
Frustrated by my research, not having found one sane API that exists on all Unices, I wondered: How does libuv
, the C library powering all of the asynchronous I/O for NodeJS, do it? I knew they support timers. And they support all OSes, even the most obscure ones like AIX. Surely, they have found the best OS API!
Let's make a super simple C program using libuv timers (loosely adapted from their test suite):
#include <assert.h>
#include <uv.h>
static void once_cb(uv_timer_t *handle) {
printf("timer %#x triggered\n", handle);
int main() {
uv_timer_t once_timers[10] = {0};
int r = 0;
/* Start 10 timers. */
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
r = uv_timer_init(uv_default_loop(), &once_timers[i]);
assert(0 == r);
r = uv_timer_start(&once_timers[i], once_cb, i * i * 50, 0);
assert(0 == r);
uv_run(uv_default_loop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT);
We create 10 timers with increasing durations, and run the event loop. When a timer triggers, our callback is called by libuv
Of course, in a real program, we would also do real work while the timers run, e.g. network I/O.
Let's compile our program and look at what syscalls are being done (here I am on Linux but we'll soon seen it does not matter at all):
$ cc uv-timers.c -luv
$ strace ./a.out
epoll_pwait(3, [], 1024, 49, NULL, 8) = 0
write(1, "timer 0x27432398 triggered\n", 27timer 0x27432398 triggered
) = 27
epoll_pwait(3, [], 1024, 149, NULL, 8) = 0
write(1, "timer 0x27432430 triggered\n", 27timer 0x27432430 triggered
) = 27
epoll_pwait(3, [], 1024, 249, NULL, 8) = 0
write(1, "timer 0x274324c8 triggered\n", 27timer 0x274324c8 triggered
) = 27
epoll_pwait(3, [], 1024, 349, NULL, 8) = 0
write(1, "timer 0x27432560 triggered\n", 27timer 0x27432560 triggered
) = 27
Huh, no call to timerfd_create
or something like this, just... epoll_pwait
which is basically just epoll_wait
, which is basically just a faster poll
. And no events, just a timeout... So... are libuv
timers fully implemented in userspace?
I was at this moment reminded of a sentence I had read from a Illumos man page:
timerfd is a Linux-borne facility for creating POSIX timers and receiving their subsequent events via a file descriptor. The facility itself is arguably unnecessary: portable code can [...] use the timeout value present in poll(2) [...].
So, what libuv
does is quite simple in fact:
When a timer is created, it is added to an efficient data structure. It's a min-heap, i.e. a binary tree that is easy to implement and is designed to get the smallest element in a set quickly. It is typically used to implement priority queues, which is what this bookkeeping of user-space timers really is.
A typical event loop tick first gets the current time from the OS. Then, it computes the timeout to pass to poll/epoll/kqueue/etc. If there are no active timers, it's easy, there is no timeout (that means that the program will block indefinitely until some I/O happens).
If there are active timers, get the 'smallest' one, meaning: the first that would trigger. The OS timeout is thus now - timer.value
Whenever a timer expires, it is removed from the min-heap. Simple, (relatively) efficient. The only caveat is that epoll
only offers a millisecond precision for the timeout parameter so that's also the precision of libuv
This approach is reminiscent of this part from the man page of select
(which is basically poll
with more limitations):
Emulating usleep(3) Before the advent of usleep(3), some code employed a call to select() with all three sets empty, nfds zero, and a non-NULL timeout as a fairly portable way to sleep with subsecond precision.
That way, we can 'sleep' while we also do meaningful work, for example network I/O. If some I/O completes before a timer triggers, we'll get notified by the OS and we can react to it. Then, during the next event loop tick, we'll compute a shorter timeout than the first one (since some time elapsed).
If no I/O happens at all, the OS will wake us up when our timeout is elapsed.
In short, we have multiplexed multiple timers using one system call (and a min-heap to remember what timers are on-going and when will the next one trigger).
Addendum: A reader has pointed out that Webkit does exactly the same.
Writing cross-platform C code typically means writing two code paths: one for Windows and one for Unix. But for multiplexed I/O, and for timers, each Unix has its own idea of what's the Right Way(tm).
To sum up:
OS API | Windows | macOS | Linux | FreeBSD | NetBSD | OpenBSD | Illumos |
SetTimer | ✓ | ||||||
POSIX timers 1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
timerfd | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
kevent timer | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
port_create timer | ✓ | ||||||
dispatch_source_create | ✓ | ||||||
io_uring sleep 2 | ✓ | ||||||
Userspace timers | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
For performant multiplexed I/O, that means that we have to have a code path for each OS (using epoll
on Linux, kqueue
on macOS and BSDs, event ports on Illumos, I/O completion ports on Windows).
For timers, it seems that the easiest approach is to implement them fully in userspace, as long as we have an efficient data structure to manage them.
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